Somewhere nestled between the Old Kent Road and Tooley Street you will find Elizabeth Jones of Ukip Southwark and Old Bermondsey  who is  UKIP’S current 3 rd ranking London Region MEP candidate.

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A determined London campaigner,feminist ,seasoned family solicitor and avid arts consumer.

Ukip North Thanet could not resist the call to enter South East London to find out more.

Q1. Why did you enter politics and what was your previous working background?

I am an experienced  family law solicitor having dealt with the issues of most of London humanity of all nationalities,religions and persuasions and have a deep well of life to draw upon unlike our brittle, off the peg professional politicians.

I only entered politics as a direct reaction toward undemocratic conduct by our dear rulers such as UKphobic Labour’s intervention in Iraq,Afghanistan,loss of EU rebate and creation of oh so patronising “spin”and Tory  Westminster City Council’s fundamentalist Green anti parking policy which was not in their election manifesto.Sneaky sneaky!Our elected have to be monitored  all the time as the temptation to occupy their idleness with fashionable disastrous caprice  is often overwhelming.

There is too much power concerntrated in too few hands in UK .

Q2. Was there a defining moment when you knew UKIP was the party for you and what was it?

UKIP was the only party advocating immediate troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.I understood then that UKIP was the only party that put UK interests first and did not cravenly follow  current political fads.

It was more of a slow burn than defining moment and I was gently guided there  by New Labour and the Eton lockdown Conservatives.

Q.3 What are your personal long-range goals and objectives for the next 5 years within UKIP?

To see London yield elected candidates.

To expand Southwark’s membership and presence.

To contest the General Election and GLA.

To campaign for a policy of pushing power down away from cureent MP strucutre to the electorate so that UK focussed policies will be pursued .

To continue to drive policy and see a lessening of the grip of BBC leftitst bias.

 Q.4 What would you consider to be your Major Strengths?

Energy,boldness,determination and wide span of activities and social contacts.

Q.5 What would you consider to be the accomplishments that have given you most satisfaction to date?

Partaking in the anti Syrian intervention movement despite bizarre and childishly proprietorial Left behaviour and seeing all our efforts  pay off.Partaking in anti Westminster City Council’s parking policy and seeing the implosion of that policy.Seeing that people power works sometimes.

Speaking at South East Conference and being invited to speak at Spring National Conference.

Achieving court results in complex fraught situations.

Q.6Why should the people of the South East  give you their vote in May?

All political energy in UK now comes from UKIP.We were first to oppose bedroom tax,the first to oppose Syrian intervention,the first to bring immigration to the debate table,the first to demand aid for UK flood victims,the first to attack abuse of foreign aid and the only reason EU referendum is dangled before the electorate is because we exist .This forward momentum can only continue whilst we get votes.We are truly the only agents of change on the political landscape-the insurgent dissidents.

Q.7  What UKIP policy would you consider to be the one that most resonates with you and why?

Referendums for it brings political power back to source and out of the hands of professional idlers and fad followers.It is truly democratic and fair.

Q.8What is your favourite ?

Wine ? Tap water always.

Newspaper? Times of India

Meal? Madras

TV Programme? Peepshow

Political interviewer? Graham Norton.

Q.9. What would be your  favourite or ideal day off?

A long lie in,a trip to the library to renew my books,a trip to the countryside to look at this year’s crop of yearlings with a vacuum flask of hot tea and sandwiches and then  the latest off the wall ENO opera.

 Q.10 Name 5 dead or alive Politicians you would have loved to have had dinner with all together and why?

1.Boudicca-How on earth did she organise to defeat those Romans?

2.Jinnah-Is he pleased with Pakistan today and what ,if any,reforms would he implement ?

3.Fawzia Koofi-Where do you draw your courage from to stand for Afghanistan political office against Taliban Threat ?

4.Joe Gormley-What part did he play in Heath’s defeat and what does he think of today’s EU ?

5.Rab Butler-Would he consider educational standards have improved since repeal of his 1944 Act ?


Elizabeth Jones talking about social media at the 2014 conference.

UKIP Adayı Elizabeth Jones Olay’ı Ziyaret Etti

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  1. Peter Evans says:

    A very credible statement by someone of obvious intelligence and of good education. UKIP needs a bigger presence in South East London where I work. There is voter apathy in this area which is there for the taking as people are sick and tired of thr gutless Labour and Lib Dem M.P.s who never deliver.


  2. raymond f jones says:

    Liz in London ; is as a sandbag to a flood of useless Euro slaves.Ukip plugs the gaps.


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